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  • A group loan from Sofipa gives Juana the chance to buy enough materials for her pottery. This helps her support her family and provides them with a better life. Thanks to your investment in Sofipa, 480 female entrepreneurs like Juana will receive the financial support they need.

    18 mesecev
    6 mesecev
    Zrelost18 mesecev
    Odplačila6 mesecev
      V celoti financirano v 13 dneh na spletni strani 22 Julij 2024.


      Juana lives in the heart of Oaxaca and has been making beautiful handmade pottery since she was young. She creates items like bowls, dishes, rice cookers, pots, and jugs. "Everything is handmade," Juana says proudly. "Many people visit us and take my work to other countries and cities like Mexico City. This is how we shape our daily life and make a living."

      The production process is labor-intensive: two types of clay are mixed, shaped, fired, colored, and fired again to achieve the final green color. Juana uses a group loan from Sofipa to buy materials like clay and firewood. "This loan helps me a lot," says Juana. "I can buy everything I need to keep working." The group loan provides Juana with financial support and a close-knit community of women who support each other.

      Thanks to the group loan, Juana, along with her brother and sister, can live off the sales of her handmade pottery and build a better future. By investing in Sofipa, you support 480 female entrepreneurs in Mexico to achieve their dreams.


      What social return could your investment generate? 

      Financing is crucial in southeastern Mexico, where Sofipa operates. Historically, this region has faced the greatest challenges. The state of Oaxaca has alarming poverty rates due to a lack of education, infrastructure, and basic services, which hinders development. The lives of women in this area are even more challenging, exacerbating their disadvantages. A loan makes women more independent, creating equal opportunities and empowering them.

      With your investment in this Sofipa project, you enable around 480 women to receive a group loan. The loans run on a cycle of 16 weeks (4 months), and with each cycle, the women build a credit history that can help them apply for formal bank loans later on. For a first loan, a group member can borrow up to 7,000 Mexican pesos (340 euros) without collateral. The women guarantee each other, creating a strong social support structure.


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate of 7%
      • The maturity of the loan is 18 months
      • Grace period: This project has a grace period. After 12 months, you will receive your first repayment of your investment, and thereafter, you will receive a repayment every 6 months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,088 euros
      • Please consider that although you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information on potential exchange rate risks, please visit our currency page.


      The story of Sofipa

      Financial inclusion is one of the problems the region of Oaxaca in Mexico is facing. The scarce offer of financial services specialized in reaching low-income citizens inspired the emergence of Sofipa in February 2004. With its existence, Sofipa contributes to financial inclusion and the region's overall development. 

      Sofipa started operating under the legal figure of the Cooperative Society. However, in search of being more competitive and innovative, in 2016, they decided to adopt the legal formation of an Investment Promotion Company, SOFOM, ENR. Read more about Sofipa on their company profile page. Since then, it has enabled at least 10.000 women to expand their businesses and improve the lives of their families.


      Sofipa in numbers 

      • Founded in 2004 
      • 467 employees
      • Loan portfolio of €13,968,857 (end of 2022), for female group loans
      • Approximately 10.000 credits to women a year
      Ime podjetjaSOFIPA
      GENERALNI DIREKTORFrancisco Diaz
      LokacijaSan Antonio de la Cal
      SektorFinančne storitve
      Kreditna ocenaA+


      97 % strank družbe Sofipa so podjetnice. Te ženske, ki so večinoma dejavne v neformalnem sektorju, najbolj potrebujejo dostop do finančnega sistema.

      Cilj mehiške mikrofinančne institucije je odpraviti revščino, tako da ljudem omogoči priložnosti za rast, in se boriti za enakost spolov, tako da ženskam pomaga izboljšati njihov dohodek. Do zdaj so lahko podprli več kot 14 500 žensk.

      Sofipa ponuja posojila podjetnicam prek skupinskih posojil. Več o tem, kako delujejo skupinska posojila, si preberite v uvodnem prispevku na blogu Sofipa tukaj.

      Sofipa je prisotna v 7 od 32 zveznih držav, še posebej dejavna pa je v dveh zveznih državah z najvišjo stopnjo revščine v Mehiki, v Guerreru z 38,41 % in Oaxaci s 33,49 % državne ravni.

      Študija, ki jo je izvedlo podjetje 60 decibelov, kaže naslednje rezultate vpliva in zadovoljstva strank med strankami podjetja Sofipa:

      - 1,2 Indeks vključenosti (glej tukaj)

      - 71 % vprašanih meni, da je Sofipa dobra alternativa za financiranje

      - 83 % jih namerava posojilo uporabiti za rast svojih obstoječih podjetij

      Raziskave kažejo, da ženske na razvijajočih se trgih 90 centov vsakega dodatnega zasluženega dolarja vložijo v svoje družine in bližnje okolje. To se odraža v boljšem šolanju, zdravstveni oskrbi, splošnem življenjskem slogu in nenazadnje tudi v gospodarski rasti.

      Če podjetnicam zagotovimo ustrezne možnosti financiranja, jim pomagamo premagati ovire, ki jim preprečujejo ustanovitev ali rast podjetja. Posebne značilnosti posojil, ki so zanimive za tipične lastnice MSP, so dolgoročnejša posojila, nižje obrestne mere, alternativno zavarovanje in obdobja odloga odplačevanja.

      OZR vplivali na

      S tem projektom prispevate k naslednjim ciljem trajnostnega razvoja:

      OZR 1 - Brez revščine

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      Več o vplivu, ki ga lahko dosežete z našo platformo in spletno stranjo OZR, si preberite na naši strani o vplivu.

      Sorodni članki na blogu

      • S to naložbo se izboljšajo življenja 480

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

      Žal mi je! Za ogled te strani morate biti prijavljeni.

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