funding gap emerging markets

Validus 11

  • Validus
  • Investi fil-mikrofinanza
  • + 794 investituri oħra
  • Through an investment in Validus, you support 1,200+ SME businesses across Indonesia to continue their activities and grow. Most loan applicants of Validus are local distributors of essential health products. *exchange rate risk EUR/USD*. Only 1 notional payment after 12 months, interest payment after 6 and 12 months!

    12 xhur
    6 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura
    <Maturità></Maturità>12 xhur
    Ħlasijiet lura6 xhur
      Ifinanzjat kompletament fi 38 ġurnatafuq 25 September 2023.


      What social return could your investment make?

      Validus (a subsidiary of Batumbu) is a powerful financial institution that makes a significant social impact. By providing essential financing to over 1,200 SME distributors across 26 provinces in Indonesia, Validus enables the delivery of vital products to the local communities. Distributors like Surya Eka Putra, operate in key sectors such as FMCG, pharmaceutical, and manufacturing, enhancing access to health and well-being for households across urban and rural areas. Moreover, the loan-driven supply chains created by Validus facilitate the jobs of over 500 delivery partners, further driving economic growth and local employment opportunities. Till now, SMEs that get financing through Validus have managed to boost their job numbers by an average of 12%. Clients who received support from Validus' funding witnessed revenue growth of 17%, outshining the average SME growth rate of 5%.

      Investing in this project contributes to the improvement of livelihoods and the overall development of communities in Indonesia. With Validus (and its subsidiary Batumbu), your investment has the power to foster social progress, creating a positive ripple effect that reaches far beyond financial returns.

      The story of Validus

      Since Validus’ achievement of OJK registration* in 2018 and full license thereafter, the digital lending platform has risen to a leading position in terms of monthly financing to SMEs. By solely concentrating on the productive sector, Validus has effectively facilitated over $950 million in loans to date for micro and small enterprises.

      Validus partners with large corporates in the ASEAN region to finance their supplier and distributor transactions using data-driven underwriting methodologies. They leverage vast pools of live, alternative data including historical lending, contract, and purchasing information to allow them to offer financing to SMEs and micro enterprises who cannot access a traditional loan through a bank. Their extensive experience in this space has allowed them to offer a diverse range of short-term, microloans. As a Group, they have financed over $2 billion in loans, across four markets, and service a loan book of over $170 million and 2,700+ active SME borrowers. 

      *OJK is an independent Institution with the authority to regulate, supervise, examine, and investigate the Financial Services sector in Indonesia.

      Validus in numbers

      • Founded in 2015
      • 297 employees
      • More than 2,700 active SME borrowers

      USD risk

      Check the interest rate and maturity Validus offers you as an investor at the top of this page. For more information about possible exchange rate risks, visit our currency page.

      Isem il-kumpanijaValidus
      Kap EżekuttivNikhilesh Goel
      SetturBejgħ bl-ingrossa / Bejgħ bl-imnut
      Punteġġ tal-kredituB+


      Validus aspires to improve the lives of everyone involved with the SMEs they serve, including their customers, employees, employees’ families, not to mention the business owners themselves. Since 2015, the digital lending platform has financed over $1 billion to SMEs across Singapore, Indonesia and Vietnam. Entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia face a huge funding gap. In Indonesia alone, SMEs are looking for $160 billion to be able to grow their businesses. By offering them financial services, Validus provides much needed funding in the region and contributes to financial inclusion in Southeast Asia. 

      So far, SMEs who receive financing through Validus have been able to grow the number of jobs by 12% on average. Clients supported by Validus’ funding grew their revenues by an average of 17% compared to the average SME growth rate of 5%.


      SDGs impacted

      With this project you are contributing to the following Sustainable Development Goals:

      SDG 1 - No poverty

      SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth

      Read more about the impact you can make through our platform and the SDGs on our impact page.


      Related blog posts

      Learn more about Validus in their introduction blog post here.

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      Jiddispjaċini! Trid tkun illoggjat biex tara din il-paġna.

      Diġà kkontribwejna għal Validus 11

      Carolien Wolsink
      Marvin Göbbels
      Frank Fekken
      Trees van den Hoogen
      Richard Lispet
      + u ieħor