funding gap emerging markets

Creze 14

  • Creze
  • Investiți în microfinanțare
  • + 320 alți investitori
  • Dinora has been receiving funding from Creze for 6 years, which she uses to purchase inventory for her arts and crafts store. Through your investment, Creze can support approximately 10 SMEs similar to Dinora’s store, furthering its mission to bridge the financial gap in Mexico. *EUR/USD exchange rate risk*

    36 luni
    1 luni
    Maturitate36 luni
    Rambursări1 luni
      Finanțare integrală în 12 zile pe 31 octombrie 2023.


      Dinora left the corporate world to become an entrepreneur. Since then, access to credit has played an essential role for her. Her company 'Maikit' sells products to creatives looking for textile and craft materials and printing machines.

      While looking for financing to open her second store, Dinora came across Creze. Since then, she has been working with the financial institution for 6 years, from which she received financing to purchase inventory for her stores.

      Like Dinora, many SME entrepreneurs face great obstacles in obtaining traditional bank financing. Creze was established with the aim of closing this financial gap, and since its founding in 2015 it has already disbursed more than 68 million dollars (data as of the end of 2021) for Mexican entrepreneurs.

      Thanks to this loan, you contribute to promoting micro, small and medium-sized businesses in Mexico through accessible financing adapted to the needs of microentrepreneurs.

      What social return could your investment make?

      Mexico has 4 million SMEs, which represent 60% of the country's formal productive employment. However, more than half of these SMEs do not have access to the financing they need. Financial institutions like Creze help them overcome this hurdle by offering fast and flexible lending solutions through their digital lending platform.

      With this specific loan, Creze will be able to finance around 10 SMEs in Mexico active in the retail, industrial, technology, construction, transportation, and telecommunications sectors. Of the companies Creze finances, 25% are owned by women, who typically face greater challenges than men in obtaining business credit. Investing in Creze will contribute to reducing the SME financing gap, creating jobs and improving the livelihoods of Mexican entrepreneurs.  


      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      Click here for an example repayment schedule.

      • Annual interest: 7%
      • Maturity: 36 months
      • Principal grace period: 18 months. This indicates that the principal amount you lent won't start being repaid until after 18 months. However, even during this period, you'll earn interest. This interest will be paid to you monthly, starting from the first month
      • Monthly repayments: Repayments will be paid to you on a monthly basis. Given the 18-month grace period for the principal, your initial repayments will consist solely of the monthly interest. Starting from the 19th month, you will receive monthly payments of both principal and interest
      • Please consider that although you invest in EUR, the loan is in USD, so there is a risk of exchange rate fluctuations between dollars and euros. For more information please visit our currency page.

      The story of Creze

      Creze (officially Prestadora de Servicios Ciclomart, SAPI de CV) is a balance sheet lender founded in 2015 and based in Mexico City that originates loans to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) throughout Mexico. As of late April 2021, Creze had disbursed over $68 million USD since its origin, with an outstanding book of just over $17 million USD. The average loan amount is $19,500 USD, the average loan term is 12 months, and almost 90% of loans are paid biweekly.

      The company provides principal loan products focused on offering working capital to SMEs, serving a varity of industries. Creze is a digital lender that has built an in-house platform that enables a fully online loan application process with approval times between 24 and 48 hours.

      Additionally, Creze is backed by two renowned family offices in Mexico and has attracted several institutional lenders.

      There are currently over 60 people working at Creze. The founding management team is highly experienced and is made up of a mix of entrepreneurs and former employees of the finance and microfinance sector.

      Creze in numbers

      • Founded in 2015
      • 60 employees
      • Disbursed 5,042 loans for a total of USD 160,000,000 since inception
      • Current outstanding loan amount USD 48,000,000
      • About 25% of their borrowers are female
      Numele companieiCreze
      CEODiego Creel
      LocațieMexico City
      SectorComerț cu ridicata / cu amănuntul
      Cifra de afaceri$6,900,000
      Scorul de creditA


      Mexicul are 4 milioane de IMM-uri, reprezentând 60% din locurile de muncă productive formale din țară. Cu toate acestea, mai mult de jumătate din aceste IMM-uri nu au acces la finanțarea de care au nevoie. Instituții financiare precum Creze le ajută să depășească acest obstacol oferind soluții de împrumut rapide și flexibile prin intermediul platformei lor digitale de creditare.

      Chiar și antreprenorii care nu pot prezenta un istoric de credit formal sunt bineveniți să solicite un împrumut mic. Obiectivul Creze este să nu lase niciun IMM în urmă în ceea ce privește deficitul de finanțare. Ei oferă antreprenorilor un proces de cerere de împrumut complet online și digital, cu ferestre de aprobare de 24-48 de ore. Împrumuturile lor pentru capital de lucru permit IMM-urilor să creeze locuri de muncă, să își dezvolte afacerile, reducând astfel sărăcia.

      ODD impact

      Prin acest proiect contribuiți la următoarele Obiective de dezvoltare durabilă:

      ODD 1 - Fără sărăcie

      ODD 8 - Muncă decentă și creștere economică

      Citiți mai multe despre impactul pe care îl puteți avea prin intermediul platformei noastre și al ODD pe pagina noastră de impact.

      Postări de blog conexe

      Citiți introducerea Creze ca o nouă oportunitate de investiții aici.

      Faceți cunoștință cu antreprenorii Dinora și Eduardo aici și aflați cum își dezvoltă afacerile cu un împrumut de la Creze.

      Doriți să aflați mai multe despre modul în care incluziunea financiară poate prospera antreprenoriatul? Citiți aici.

      • Prin această investiție sunt create 10 locuri de muncă
      • Prin aceasta investittie se imbunatatesc 50 vieti

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      Am contribuit deja la Creze 14

      Johannes Hofman
      Jan Meijberg
      Wilgert Velinga
      Holger Klauser
      Lieven Keppens
      + și altul