funding gap emerging markets

InvesCore NBFI 16

  • InvesCore NBFI
  • Investiți în microfinanțare
  • + 318 alți investitori
  • Davaarjargal makes natural soaps and bath salts in her shop in Ulaanbaatar. By purchasing raw materials from local nomads, she provides them with a stable income. A loan from InvesCore helped her expand her business, allowing her to organize more workshops for women. Your investment in InvesCore supports the development of 13 small businesses like hers.

    24 luni
    6 luni
    Maturitate24 luni
    Rambursări6 luni
      Finanțare integrală în 1 zi pe 12 iulie 2024.


      Please note: This project has a grace period. After 12 months, you will receive your first repayment of your investment, and thereafter, you will receive a repayment every 6 months.

      Davaarjargal’s shop in Ulaanbaatar is filled with the delightful scents of floral perfumes and sweet fragrances. Here, she produces and sells her naturally made soaps and bath salts. She also offers weekly workshops where other women can learn to make these products themselves.

      Davaarjargal sources her raw materials from local nomads, providing them with a crucial source of income. Through her natural soaps and bath salts, she makes a significant contribution to her community. Thanks to financial support from InvesCore, she can purchase these materials at fair prices and expand her business. This not only benefits her but also helps the nomadic communities become more economically stable.

      InvesCore’s business loans help small entrepreneurs like Davaarjargal achieve their goals. With these loans, she can grow her business, attract new customers, and improve the standard of living for herself and her suppliers.


      What social return could your investment make?

      InvesCore recognises the important role small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play in Mongolia's socio-economic landscape. Representing approximately 86% of all active legal entities in Mongolia, these SMEs are fundamental to job creation, poverty reduction, and community empowerment (National Statistical Office (NSO) of Mongolia, 2019). Yet, many entrepreneurs, especially women, face considerable financial barriers.

      To bridge this gap, InvesCore has introduced innovative fintech services to democratise access to funding. Their automation of the traditional loan process has not only reduced 80% of manual work and potential errors but also expanded their reach. In 2021, this led to over 1,200 SME owners, of which more than 250 were female entrepreneurs, securing business loans. By investing in InvesCore, you facilitate the disbursement of loans to 13 SMEs in Mongolia. 

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 8%
      • Maturity of 24 months
      • Grace period: This project has a grace period. After 12 months, you will receive your first repayment of your investment, and thereafter, you will receive a repayment every 6 months.
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,120 euros.


      The story of InvesCore

      InvesCore is the largest financial institution in Mongolia. They provide business loans to SMEs in Ulaanbaatar and agricultural businesses in rural areas. They also offer business training to support entrepreneurs.

      With their own Loan Origination System (LOS), they process loan applications from over 80,000 clients, saving time. After a successful IPO in 2019, where 15% of the shares were sold, InvesCore plans an international expansion into Central Asia and Southeast Asia.

      In 2021, InvesCore launched a program, supported by Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC, offering financing at lower costs to vulnerable clients, such as SMEs selling eco-friendly products, entrepreneurs with disabilities, female entrepreneurs, single-parent business owners, and companies conducting import substitution activities. The aim of this program is to improve access to financing and promote sustainable economic growth and inclusivity in the community.


      InvesCore in numbers

      • Founded in 2016
      • Loan portfolio of 74 billion MNT (approx. 60 million USD) (end of 2021)
      • 18 branches in Mongolia
      • 2 subsidiaries in Kyrgyzstan
      • 269 employees
      • 40% of their customer portfolio are SME entrepreneurs
      • More than 80,000 customers
      Numele companieiInvesCore NBFI
      CEOBayasgalan Dalaijamts
      SectorServicii financiare
      Cifra de afaceri€13,200,000
      Scorul de creditA+


      InvesCore este o instituție de microfinanțare din Mongolia. Portofoliul său este împărțit în prezent între 30% clienți din mediul rural și 70% clienți din mediul urban. Scopul său este să digitalizeze pe deplin produsele de consum pentru a-și concentra întreaga atenție asupra împrumuturilor de afaceri și a deveni mai orientată spre impact. InvesCore a dezvoltat un proces automatizat pentru împrumuturile tradiționale, care reduce munca manuală cu 80%, ducând la o procesare mai rapidă a împrumuturilor și la o accesibilitate sporită pentru antreprenori.

      InvesCoreEforturile de digitalizare ale companiei 's îi responsabilizează pe antreprenori, inclusiv pe femei, oferind un acces mai ușor la serviciile financiare, promovând egalitatea de gen și sprijinind creșterea întreprinderilor mici în economia locală.

      Anul trecut, peste 1 200 de proprietari de IMM-uri au primit împrumuturi de afaceri, dintre care peste 250 au fost femei antreprenor.

      Accesul la finanțare este un instrument eficient de combatere a sărăciei. Pe lângă antreprenorul care beneficiază de împrumut, toți cei care sunt implicați în afacerea lor simt efectul pozitiv al finanțării. Atunci când o afacere se poate dezvolta, activitatea antreprenorială crește și sunt create locuri de muncă. Acest lucru duce la o scădere a emigrației și oferă oamenilor posibilitatea de a-și îmbunătăți condițiile de viață.

      ODD impact

      Prin acest proiect contribuiți la următoarele Obiective de dezvoltare durabilă:

      ODD 1 - Fără sărăcie

      ODD 8 - Muncă decentă și creștere economică

      Citiți mai multe despre impactul pe care îl puteți avea prin intermediul platformei noastre și al ODD pe pagina noastră de impact.

      Postări de blog conexe

      • Aflați mai multe despre InvesCore în postarea de blog de prezentare.
      • Doriți să aflați mai multe despre modul în care incluziunea financiară poate favoriza antreprenoriatul? Citiți aici.
      • Vă întrebați ce alte instituții de microfinanțare avem în portofoliul nostru? Consultați-le aici.
      • Prin această investiție sunt create 13 locuri de muncă
      • Prin aceasta investittie se imbunatatesc 88 vieti

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      Am contribuit deja la InvesCore NBFI 16

      Els Mol
      Elly Vos
      Gerard ter Maat
      Ton Van der Meer
      Jan Meijberg
      + și altul