funding gap emerging markets

InvesCore NBFI 12

  • InvesCore NBFI
  • In Mikrofinanzierungen investieren
  • + 496 andere Investoren
  • In the outer areas of Ulaanbaatar, you will find a charming bakery called Batbaigali. They've made pastries and pies for over 15 years. Without the financial support from InvesCore, they might not have been able to improve their production to increase revenue. When you invest in InvesCore, you're helping 15 other Mongolian businesses grow.

    24 Monate
    6 Monate
    Reifegrad24 Monate
    Rückzahlungen6 Monate
      Vollständig finanziert in 25 Tagen auf 15 Januar 2024.

      Das Projekt

      Please note: 1st principal repayment after 12 months instead of 6 months. However, the interest payments start after 6 months.

      Batbaigali isn't just a bakery; it's a place full of memories for many who work there. Started by a married couple and their kids, this family business has grown a lot over the past 15 years. Today, they have a team of 116 employees. With multiple loans from InvesCore, a local microfinance institution, Batbaigali was able to secure essential kitchen equipment and buy high-quality ingredients. This helped them to maintain the finest standards in their products and enabled them to enhance their production capabilities. As a result, the bakery could scale its operations and meet increasing demands.

      Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in Mongolia need working capital for their businesses to grow, as exemplified by the bakery. A thriving business means higher income, directly improving the lives of the entrepreneur, the suppliers, and employees. Invescore offers entrepreneurs business loans which have a maturity between 24 and 36 months with a monthly repayment of principal and interest. 


      What social return could your investment make?

      InvesCore recognises the important role small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play in Mongolia's socio-economic landscape. Representing approximately 86% of all active legal entities in Mongolia, these SMEs are fundamental to job creation, poverty reduction, and community empowerment (National Statistical Office (NSO) of Mongolia, 2019). Yet, many entrepreneurs, especially women, face considerable financial barriers.

      To bridge this gap, InvesCore has introduced innovative fintech services to democratise access to funding. Their automation of the traditional loan process has not only reduced 80% of manual work and potential errors but also expanded their reach. In 2021, this led to over 1,200 SME owners, of which more than 250 were female entrepreneurs, securing business loans. By investing in InvesCore, you facilitate the disbursement of loans to 15 SMEs in Mongolia. 

      What financial return could your investment generate? 

      • Annual interest rate 5.5%
      • Maturity of 24 months
      • Grace period: the first repayment of your investment will be made after 12 months. After that, there will be a repayment every 6 months. 
      • With an investment of 1,000 euros, your expected total repayment would be 1,075 euros.
      • This is a local currency (LCY) project, but the exchange risk is covered by our partner TCX. Using local currency for loans in emerging markets helps business owners avoid losses from unpredictable currency changes. Read more about it on our blog and FAQ.


      The story of InvesCore

      InvesCore is Mongolia's largest financial institution. With financing via Lendahand, they provide business loans to their current and new customers. The main customers are small and medium-sized enterprises in the capital, Ulaanbaatar and agricultural businesses or farmers in the countryside. To best support the entrepreneurs, InvesCore also offers business training. InvesCore processes the loan applications of their more than 80,000 customers through their internally developed Loan Origination System (LOS). The LOS automation process collects customer information from government systems, saving customers time in gathering the necessary documents. In 2019, InvesCore held an initial public offering (IPO) relating to 15% of the total shares. Since the IPO, the share price has increased by 145%. For the future, the non-banking financial institution plans an international expansion of their activities in Central Asia and Southeast Asia. 

      In 2021, InvesCore launched a special program that allows low-cost financing for more vulnerable customer profiles. The program is funded by Rio Tinto Mongolia LLC. The target groups are:

      • SMEs implementing an environmentally-friendly project
      • SMEs run by entrepreneur(s) with disabilities
      • SMEs run by women entrepreneur(s)
      • SMEs run by single parents
      • SMEs conducting import substitution activities


      InvesCore in numbers

      • Founded in 2016
      • Loan portfolio of 74 billion MNT (approx. 60 million USD) (end of 2021)
      • 18 branches in Mongolia
      • 2 subsidiaries in Kyrgyzstan
      • 269 employees
      • 40% of their customer portfolio are SME entrepreneurs
      • More than 80,000 customers
      Name des UnternehmensInvesCore NBFI
      CEOBayasgalan Dalaijamts


      InvesCore ist eine Mikrofinanzinstitution in der Mongolei. Ihr Portfolio verteilt sich derzeit auf 30 % ländliche und 70 % städtische Kunden. Ziel ist es, die Verbraucherprodukte vollständig zu digitalisieren, um sich ganz auf Geschäftskredite zu konzentrieren und stärker wirkungsorientiert zu werden. InvesCore hat einen automatisierten Prozess für herkömmliche Kredite entwickelt, der die manuelle Arbeit um 80 % reduziert, was zu einer schnelleren Kreditbearbeitung und einer besseren Zugänglichkeit für Unternehmer führt.

      InvesCoreDie Digitalisierungsbemühungen der Bank stärken Unternehmer, einschließlich Frauen, indem sie den Zugang zu Finanzdienstleistungen erleichtern, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter fördern und das Wachstum von Kleinunternehmen in der lokalen Wirtschaft unterstützen.

      Im vergangenen Jahr erhielten über 1200 KMU-Besitzer Geschäftskredite, darunter mehr als 250 Unternehmerinnen.

      Der Zugang zu Finanzmitteln ist ein wirksames Instrument zur Bekämpfung der Armut. Neben dem Unternehmer, der von dem Kredit profitiert, spüren alle, die mit seinem Unternehmen zu tun haben, die positiven Auswirkungen der Finanzierung. Wenn ein Unternehmen wachsen kann, nimmt die unternehmerische Tätigkeit zu und es werden Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. Dies führt zu einem Rückgang der Abwanderung und gibt den Menschen die Möglichkeit, ihre Lebensbedingungen zu verbessern.

      SDGs betroffen

      Mit diesem Projekt leisten Sie einen Beitrag zu den folgenden Zielen für nachhaltige Entwicklung:

      SDG 1 - Keine Armut

      SDG 8 - Menschenwürdige Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum

      Lesen Sie mehr über die Wirkung, die Sie mit unserer Plattform und SDGerzielen können, auf unserer Wirkungsseite.

      Ähnliche Blogbeiträge

      • Erfahren Sie mehr über InvesCore in ihrem Einführungs-Blogbeitrag.
      • Möchten Sie mehr darüber erfahren, wie finanzielle Eingliederung das Unternehmertum fördern kann? Lesen Sie hier.
      • Sie möchten wissen, welche anderen Mikrofinanzinstitute wir in unserem Portfolio haben? Sehen Sie sich diese hier an.
      • Mit dieser Investition 15 werden Arbeitsplätze geschaffen.
      • Mit dieser Investition 100 wird das Leben der Menschen verbessert.

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      Olaf Janssen
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      Ron van Eijk
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